
 admin   2024-03-15 10:06   18 人阅读  0 条评论

励志创业短片拍摄技巧案 Can I help you?Yes I want a cake.Which kind?The one with fruit.This one?Yes.30 RMB Thank you

格力空调数字8不灭怎么办1,开头先感谢父母.所以要送 礼物 .thanks to my parents so i want to buy a gift for them. 2,但是送什么好呢?有很多种,列如,1, 2, 3, 然后选择一样是你送的. but which

2017年12月日历适合签约Excuse me.Can you help me choose a present for my friend. My friend's birthday present . he/she is a boy/girl. The present must be beautiful,and .. Can you let me have a

无人驾驶汽车真实模拟器案 A: Hey, what are you doing here? B: I'm just shopping. A: What are you shopping for? B: Some new clothes. How about you? A: Same here. B: Have you found anything nice

2020年汽油价调整一览表a what can i do for you? b i wanna buy a gift to my friend.she's going to graduate. a i think this book is good for your friend. b ok,i' ll take it . how much is it? a 25 yuan. b here's


包头市失业保险金咨询哪里案 英语 日常 会话 -送 礼物 这是送给你的。 This is for you. This is for you. (这是送给你的。) That's very nice of you. (太谢谢你啦。) Here's something for you. I got this

电子表格中如果替换一部份要求: 对话 以A:……B:……的形式 足够支撑3 4分钟 A:Why do people give gifts to each other? B:Because they want to make each other A My friend has invited me to a

两会五十五退休条件案 This is for you.(这是送给你的.) That's very nice of you.(太谢谢你啦.) Here's This is your part. This portion is for you. 过 生日 想要什么 礼物 ? What do you want for

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